Harnessing the Natural Energy of Light

MTI is at the early stage of developing new solar films that will have the potential to increase solar cell efficiency by collecting and absorbing light. It will be able to increase the absorption of sunlight in solar panels by trapping light from all angles, without the need for concentrators or tracking systems and utilizes the latest achievements in optical science, semiconductors and nanotechnologies.

This new technology will increases the total output of solar cells, thereby reducing the cost of every kilowatt of energy generated, making it a viable solution in the cleantech industry.  And, because of its versatility, the film will be ideal for lightweight solar aircraft, solar farms, the automotive industry, solar-powered infrastructures, consumer electronics, residential home panels, transparent solar panels, and much more.

In 2017, Lockheed Martin and MTI  announced a partnership to support the development of metaSOLAR™, which was Lockheed Martin’s first solar investment in Canada.  This new product will incorporate advanced materials and MTI’s proprietary ultra-lightweight, high efficiency NanoWeb® technology, suitable for flight.

We are pleased to see our ITB investment going to a great Canadian global innovator such as Metamaterial Technologies Inc. Their work in the field of smart materials and in developing a disruptive solar application suitable for flight is an example of what Canadian technology offers the world.”

 Charles Bouchard, Chief Executive of Lockheed Martin Canada. 

“Metamaterials are in essence the materials of the future. MTI is pioneering large scale affordable nanofabrication technology that can push the boundaries for crystalline silicon solar efficiency and create very thin form factors for solar cells.”

-Harry Atwater, Howard Hughes Professor and
Professor of Applied Physics and Materials Science
at the California Institute of Technology

*This new product is currently in development and updates will be made available on this webpage.

The Benefits of this New Technology

Increases Solar Cell Efficiency

The technology is engineered to trap light that otherwise would get reflected and lost from untreated solar cells. It can increases solar cell efficiency by collecting light and absorbing it.

Ultra-thin, Light and Flexible

It is a thin and lightweight. It is particularly ideal for transportation applications. It could be applied to any surface exposed to sunlight and provide additional power to recharge onboard batteries or power various devices. It can also be applied to flat, cylindrical, or spherically shaped surfaces.

Angular Absorption

Improves solar cells by capturing sunlight from all angles that standard solar panels cannot absorb. It will eliminates the need for costly solar tracking systems.


It will be sized for small or large-scale area requirements.

This technology is being  engineered to help advance the solar energy industry and offer a more viable alternative to traditional fossil fuels, bringing us one step closer to an environmentally sustainable future.