Our Company

Metamaterial Technologies Inc. (MTI) is a smart materials and photonics company, changing the way we use, interact, and benefit from light. Through applied physics, MTI has designed a new class of multifunctional materials called “metamaterials” with engineered properties that go beyond what is found in nature.

The company specializes in the research of metamaterials, nanofabrication, theoretical and computational electromagnetics; bridging the gap between the theoretical and the possible. Its in-house design and nanofabrication expertise enables the development of a wide array of metamaterial applications covering a diverse range of sectors including aerospace and defence and clean-tech.

It has developed a new patented platform technology with a variety of thin-film metamaterials capable of dramatically changing the way light at almost any wavelength can be manipulated. These thin-films can either absorb, block or enhance light.

MTI is headquartered in Halifax, Nova Scotia and has offices in London, England and Pleasanton, California.

The company provides access to world class nano-composite research and development, including specialty, as well as customized, products and licensing of its proprietary solutions to customers ranging from government to private companies.