Lamda Guard Publications
Please find a small sample of publications from the MTI Team. Collectively the MTI team has more then 1,000 publications and over 200 years of combined expertise in nanotechnology and metamaterials.
George Palikaras:
Cylindrical electromagnetic bandgap structures for directive base station antennas
Experimental demonstration of multiwire endoscopes capable of manipulating near-fields with subwavelength resolution
Andrea Alu:
Performing Mathematical Operations with Metamaterials
Do Cloaked Objects Really Scatter Less?
Sound Isolation and Giant Linear Nonreciprocity in a Compact Acoustic Circulator
Achieving transparency with plasmonic and metamaterial coatings
Felipe Chibante:
Fullerenes in the Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary Layer
Fullerenes with metals inside
Synthesis and characterization of cationically modified nanocrystalline cellulose
Hydrophilic modification of polyester fabric by applying nanocrystalline cellulose containing surface finish
Themos Kallos:
Nonlinear optimization technique for the homogenization of metamaterials from scattering parameters
Light scattering by a metallic nanoparticle coated with a nematic liquid crystal
High-Gradient Plasma-Wakefield Acceleration with Two Subpicosecond Electron Bunches
Ground-plane quasicloaking for free space
Vassilios Yannopapas:
Heterostructures of photonic crystals: frequency bands and transmission coefficients
Optical properties of metallodielectric photonic crystals
Electromagnetically induced transparency and slow light in an array of metallic nanoparticles