
Identity Week 2022


Where: Washington, DC

When: October 4-5, 2022

Join us at Identity Week 2022. Meta Materials Inc. will be exhibiting at booth #331, showcasing our security features for government-specified and issued documents including currency, fiduciary documents, excise stamps, ID cards, e-passports, visas etc. Formerly known as Connect ID, Identity Week brings together the brightest minds in the identity sector to promote innovation, new thinking, and more effective identity solutions. Key areas of focus this year include secure physical credentials and advanced authentication technologies.

Visit our booth to request samples, witness live demos, and learn more about KolourOptik® and LumaChrome™ security features for banknotes, secure ID, and documents. Exclusive to the government and banknote industry, KolourOptik delivers an always-on feature encompassing 3D stereo depth, movement, and multiple colours in a wide array of custom designs that capture and hold the user’s attention. LumaChrome security foil is a proven solution and has been used in 30 banknote denominations and multiple secure ID applications in over ten countries. Click here to learn more about the show.

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