Polymer banknotes are produced from a synthetic polymer such as biaxially oriented polypropylene (BOPP). These notes can incorporate multiple security features like metameric inks, nano-optic and microlens features, transparent windows, diffraction grating, raised printing and more. Polymer banknotes can also include many of the same security features as paper banknotes, such as intaglio, metal strips, and microprinting. There is a growing trend favoring polymer banknotes over the past few years as they have been proven to last considerably longer than paper currency, reduce impact of the environment and decrease cost of production and replacement. As of February 2021, there are 1,026 banknote denominations globally. Of those denominations, 147 use polymer substrates, representing 14.3% of the overall substrate market, up from 5% in 2017, while the remainder use a cotton based or hybrid substrate.
Nanotech’s KolourOptik stripes are surface-applied products and could be used with any substrate, including polymer. KolourOptik® is a patented technology exclusive to the Govt. and banknote industry that combines sub-wavelength nanostructures and microstructures to create modern overt security features with unique and customizable visual effects. KolourOptik’s pure plasmonic colour pixels patterned on ultrathin microstructures create the thinnest, full-colour security stripes and threads that are nearly impossible to replicate. As a surface applied security feature, KolourOptik Stripes can be designed and validated to integrate seamlessly with the most popular banknote substrates. Nanotech’s end-to-end production capabilities from design and origination, through to manufacturing, ensure we have the ability to adhere to the highest standard of quality at each stage. As a standardized surface applied stripe feature, partners can integrate KolourOptik security features without requiring changes to their substrate material or printing processes. Nanotech works directly with our integration partners to ensure that the stripe release and adhesives are tailored to meet the requirements for specific their application machinery, substrate specifications, and quality metrics. Read Now